Do you ever burdened and alone? In the early part of this year, my family plans to place my mother in memory care, and the tragic thing is she doesn't even know it. I'm grieving and feeling out of ... READ the POST
A Blue Mood Morning
Psalm 42 Why am I so down my soul? Negative thoughts ruminate through my mind as clouds from the rain yesterday hover. Many centuries ago, the Syropheonecian woman faced a dilemma like us: she felt ... READ the POST
A Timely Appearance
How does God get your attention? I wonder if, like me, you notice how God gets your attention. You may observe a theme that repeats itself. For me, it's birds. God has used various birds on different ... READ the POST
Peace From a Storm
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2 (NIV) Early last ... READ the POST
Oh Beautiful One
While the king was at his table,My perfume spread its fragrance.~Song Of Songs 1:12 (NIV) Lord, I'm reading about the bride and groom's dance in Song of Solomon (from The Kiss of Peace by Diane ... READ the POST
A New Year: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Reflecting on this last year, I consider the good and the painfully not-so-good events. I finally published a book after eighteen years of longsuffering and hard work. Joy abounds as I've watched ... READ the POST