Well Hello there!
I’m so glad you have opened up to my website!My beloved piano teacher once said, “Lynne, play your music like the colors in this piece of art,” pointing to the painting on the wall. Her invitation permitted me to ditch my fear and express myself with color and song.
I’ve had both pleasant and discordant sounding chords in my life. As the fourth child in a family of six, I am thankful for my parents’ love and stable home. However, my life also includes afflictions. I survived a car accident one May day after my college graduation, leaving three dead. One of my dearest friends lay dying next to me.
Nine months later, I sat numb in a counselor’s office clueless how to manage my grief. Through counseling, I learned to welcome the tears I fought to hold back.
Not long after this hardship, I was molested by a Christian man. Burdened by his betrayal, I dug myself into a silent hole of shame and denial. Why should I talk about it since he didn’t rape me? But God had a plan.
At 25, I married my husband after completing an MA in Christian Education. In our early years together, Jim served as an assistant pastor and I took care of our three small children. I enjoyed various activities in the church. Yet at times, pressures of ministry caused me to feel alone.
After seven years, our interest in missions lent us an opportunity to move to the suburbs of Paris as church-planters. We had a supportive team and enjoyed meeting many French people. However, my anxiety maxed adjusting to cross-cultural living. To whom could I turn? Would people at home get me?
Eventually, we returned to the states and Jim and I received an MS in Counseling. Currently, we train and counsel missionaries with World Team. We are grateful our France experience prepared us to walk alongside people who need a safe place to be seen and heard.
While at a conference in 2011, I received the devastating news that our son was in critical condition following a car accident. As our friends made plane tickets and packed our suitcases, Andrew’s short life ended.
My son’s home going created a tsunami effect on our family and my health. Depression and chronic pain overwhelmed me. Many friends supported us during this difficult time of grief. I found God’s Word comforting which gave me hope.
Currently, I reside in the Charlotte area. I’m thankful for my two adult daughters and five grands. Living with loss and chronic pain has taught me to pace myself and lean into God’s arms. My desire is to point others to God’s comfort and know His delight.