Psalm 42 Why am I so down my soul? Negative thoughts ruminate through my mind as clouds from the rain yesterday hover. Many centuries ago, the Syropheonecian woman faced a dilemma like us: she felt powerless while watching her daughter’s life deteriorate. A demon possesses her daughter with a force outside of her control. Perhaps this little girl suffers a spiritual attack because of her mother’s involvement in a heathen practice. We don’t know, but we do observe the mother’s love when imagining the cries with which she begs for Jesus’ help. She demonstrates remarkable faith. As a woman unaccompanied by a man, she knows it’s culturally unacceptable to speak to Jesus, but that doesn’t stop her. She cries out in the street.
Jesus answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24).
She kneels at Jesus’ feet, persisting boldly, “Lord, help me!”
He replies, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” ~ Matthew 15:26
(The word for dog is not the term for junkyard dogs, but that of playful puppies). When Jesus tells her He is there first for the Jews, she rises with greater boldness, imploring Jesus’ mercy, soliciting His good and gracious heart. She rightly reminds Him that new puppies get a tasty tidbit from a plentiful table.
I smile, thinking of my young dog as she sits intently focused on me, waiting for a salty taste of bacon from the table. I love to watch her gobble it up and gaze for more. Yet, isn’t this the same attitude Jesus wants us to have towards Him? Waiting, looking, thirsting, believing for whatever He provides from His hand. Puppies lovingly trust their master. Soft, innocent, vulnerable. Isn’t this like the heart of the Syropheonecian woman? How pleased Jesus is to award her, a non-Jew who displayed a greater amount of faith than even the Jews who were called to believe. Here, Jesus proves that no matter what the potential barrier to faith, nothing keeps His love from us. Therefore, this is a chance to consider His generosity, His extended hand of mercy, and His inclusion.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,
as some understand slowness.
He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish,
but everyone to come to repentance.
~2 Peter 3: 9 (NIV)
What gracious gift do you long to ask the Lord?
Prayer: Father, You are kind-hearted, loving, forgiving, saving. Please, may Jesus help me in my need of________ today. Give me unwavering faith to believe, even as Your word healed the demon-possessed little girl, that Your Spirit of care and compassion is the same today. Help me stay soft-hearted and fix my eyes on You. Amen.
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