The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech….their words to the ends of the world. ~ Ps. 19:1-2a, 4b (NIV)
Recently, my heart has been eager to wake, grabbing my Bible and journal, settling on my front porch, where September’s cooler mornings bid me soak in the ever-changing sky before the sun appears and bares its glorious light. I find pleasure in each shape of a cloud, whether it’s long and wispy, dancing in the atmosphere, or whether it’s huge and billowy, giving weight to what, in reality, is only gas floating away with the wind’s direction. A crow caws and another hoarsely answers. Mist rises from God’s creation, drawing and restoring rest to my soul while watching shades of deep pink merge into orange, peach, and gold to white luminous brilliance. Bathed in this movement, I glance again, and where the light had shone on a cloud, now it hovers without color, only grey in contrast to seconds ago when the sun’s light touched its surface so richly.
Struck by this disappointment, I realized that only light coming from the Father could brighten my life and give it light, clarity, and definition. Oh, that I would grow in His light. His word brings light to my eyes. His life brings life to my mind. And what beauty would I have without the light of the Creator of the earth and sky?
The unfolding of your words gives light…
~Ps. 119:130a (NIV)
Knowing God’s word brings direction to our lives. It is a light unto our path. When we long for His light of truth, we want to bathe ourselves, refreshing our spirits regularly.,
Do I long to share this light in the lives of my friends so that their lives would also envelop His glory? They, too, would transform from lifeless to brimming over, spilling, transforming.
In him was life, and that life was the light of men.
~John 1:4 (NIV)
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him.
~John 1:10 (NIV)
How does God’s light change you?
Prayer: God, beckon my soul, mind, and heart, allowing Your beauty to sanctify me wholly to You, permitting my rested spirit to know Your sanctuary of blessing. Cause Your light to strengthen me to share Your living word with others.
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