how a woman finds grace
Has a man criticized you? It can hurt.
Scrutiny and judgment can cause our hearts to run, avoid, or shut-down.
The story of Luke 7:36-50 gives us the example of a sinful woman who came to Jesus. His love compelled her to enter a house of judgmental men. They flung verbal attacks on her character.
Though her heart stung, she wept. Not from the cruelty of these men, but out of gratefulness for Jesus’ love.
Her warm tears splashed on Jesus’ feet while drying them with her loose hair. After applying a fragrant perfume, sweetness hung like mist in the air.
Jesus received her offering.
In contrast, He rebuked the men at the table where he was dining. They didn’t wash His feet or welcome Him with a kiss. Neither did they acknowledge Jesus’ forgiveness of their sins.
“Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
Before these proud men, Jesus praised her as she bowed down.
What about you? Knowing Jesus dismisses your critics…what would you be free to do or not do?
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